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- Written by RATB
Join us as we launch the latest edition of our pamphlet: 'Revolutionary Cuba: The Streets Are Ours!' 20 years since the first edition we are proud to present the third edition with lots of new material and information for anyone interested in learning about socialist Cuba.
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- Written by RATB
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FACEBOOK EVENT: Defend the Venezuelan Revolution Against Fascism and Imperialism

Sunday at 12:00–15:00
Embassy of Venezuela
1 Cromwell Rd, Kensington,
London SW7 2HW
Tube: South Kensington Station
On Sunday 30 July Venezuelans will vote for a Constituent Assembly to update the Bolivarian constitution of 1999. This new constitution will increase the rights of, and facilitate greater participation of, workers, peasants and oppressed minorities. The PSUV government, with the help of socialist Cuba, has reduced poverty, provided free healthcare and education, devolved power into the hands of local collectives and built homes for the working class.
The violence, chaos and destruction on the streets of Venezuela are the direct product of a viciously reactionary ruling class that is attempting to overthrow the gains the Bolivarian Revolution has achieved for the working class over the last 18 years. This is being supported by an economic war of food-hoarding and currency and price manipulation.
In this counter-revolutionary campaign, they have not just the funding of US imperialism but also the direct support of most of the world’s mainstream press. Trump’s US government has threatened the Venezuelan people with sanctions if the elections go ahead on Sunday.
Join us outside the Venezuelan Embassy to show your support for and solidarity with Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution against imperialism and imperialist-backed coup and destabilisation attempts.
Organised by the Revolutionary Communist Group, Rock around the Blockade, Venezuela Direct Action, Marcha Patriotica UK and Gran Polo Patriotico de Venezuela en el Reino Unido.
Domingo 30 Julio 2017 - 12pm
Embassy of Venezuela
1 Cromwell Rd, Kensington,
London SW7 2HW
Estación de metro: South Kensington Station
El domingo 30 de julio los venezolanos votarán por una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente para actualizar la “Constitución de Chávez” de 1999. Esta nueva constitución mejorará los derechos de, y facilitará la mayor participación de trabajadores, campesinos y minorías oprimidas, en la democracia venezolana. El gobierno del PSUV, con la ayuda de la Cuba socialista, ha reducido la pobreza, proporcionado educación y sanidad públicas, otorgado poder a colectivos locales y construido viviendas para la clase trabajadora.
La violencia, caos y destrucción en las calles de Venezuela son el resultado directo de una clase dominante reaccionaria con virulencia que intenta derrocar los logros que la revolución bolivariana ha logrado para la clase trabajadora en los últimos 18 años. Esta situación está siendo apoyada por una guerra económica con un acaparamiento de alimentos y la manipulación de precios y divisas por parte de la oligarquía.
En esta campaña contra-revolucionaria, no solo han recibido financiación del imperialismo estadounidense, si no también el apoyo directo de la mayoría de grandes medios internacionales. El gobierno de Donald Trump ha amenazado al pueblo venezolano con sanciones económicas si las elecciones tienen lugar el domingo 30.
Únete a nosotros enfrente de la embajada Venezolana en Londres para mostrar tu apoyo y solidaridad con para la revolución bolivariana venezolana contra el imperialismo y sus intentos de golpes de estado y desestabilización.
Organizado por Revolutionary Communist Group, Rock around the Blockade, Venezuela Direct Action, Marcha Patriotica UK y Gran Polo Patriotico de Venezuela en el Reino Unido.
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- Written by RATB
Protest: Solidarity with Venezuela
Expose the media's lies
BBC - Voice of british IMPERIALISM
Saturday, 17 June 2017 - 11am
@ BBC Broadcasting House
Portland Place, London W1A 1AA
Facebook: Expose the BBC's lies: Protest in solidarity with Venezuela
Protest in solidarity with Venezuela's besieged socialist movement against US imperialist-backed destabilisation and coup attempts.
Organise by Revolutionary Communist Group and Rock Around the Blockade
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
www.revolutionarycommunist.org | www.ratb.org.uk
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- Written by Other sources
Special screening of Tuning with the Enemy (1998)
Followed by a Q&A with Ben Treuhaft, founder of the 1998 project ‘Send a Piana to Havana’
Saturday 16 july 2016
SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
London, WC1H 0XG
Room G3
Californian piano tuner Ben Treuhaft set out for Cuba with 25 pianos and a brigade of piano tuners, defying the US blockade of the island, to help address the shortage of pianos in a country which is famed for its music. Tuning with the Enemy is the story of that trip. It is a captivating, humorous and moving film with great views from Cuba and Cuban musicians. The documentary is made by Tricia O'Leary and Helen Gallacher and features Buena Vista Social Club (Ruben Gonzales, Ibrahim Ferrer, Eliades Ochoa) performing throughout the film.
We will be screening Tuning with the Enemy as part of our own campaign to send a piano to the Amadeo Roldan music school in Havana (see: www.gofundme.com/pianotocuba). The money raised from our first classical music benefit concert through US ticket sales website Eventbrite has been confiscated under the US blockade rules, and we have a long way left before we reach our £10,000 target for a concert piano. This event has been organised in collaboration with Colectivo Ecuatoriano Rikchary and Rock around the Blockade. Please come to watch this film and help our project.
Bring your friends and family!
Free entry; £5 suggested donation.
Hosted by the Colectivo Ecuatoriano Rikchary.
Organised by Eralys Fernandez eralysfernandez.com & Cubanos en UK cubanos.org.uk
Sponsored by Sutch & Searle Shipping (Heathrow) Ltd - Supported by the Cuban Embassy, Sambroso sambroso.co.uk, and Rock around the Blockade. ratb.org.uk, Send A Piana To Havana www.sendapiana.com
For more information email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Rock Around the Blockade would like to invite you to our upcoming meeting in North London this Tuesday 10 May from 7.30pm:
'Is Cuba still socialist?: Reflections on the 7th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba.'
Tuesday 10 May from 7.30pm
King's Cross Neighbourhood Centre
51 Argyle St
London, WC1H 8EF
This is a public meeting and entry will be free.
Facebook event page link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1725936547681779/
Speakers: Dr Helen Yaffe, author of Che Guevara: the economics of revolution, discusses the economic and social changes, the significance of rapprochement with the United States and the content and significance of the 7th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party.
Guest speaker: Jorge Luis Garcia, Political Counsellor, Cuban Embassy.
The talks will be followed by an open discussion.
Major developments are underway in Cuba:
• Diplomatic relations have been established with the United States and President Obama visited Cuba.
• The number of US visitors has soared while the US blockade is being chipped away.
• The opening of Special Development Zones and the new Investment Law are channelling foreign capital into Cuba.
• Thousands of workers have transferred from state to private or cooperative sector employment.
• Cubans are permitted to sell their homes and cars on an open market.
• The Economic and Social Guidelines approved in 2011 have reduced the state’s control of the economy.
What do they mean for the socialist Revolution?
The 7th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party (CCP) takes place from 16-18 April. It marks the 55th anniversary of the declaration of the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution, on the eve of the US-backed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. The 7th Congress will discuss the future of Cuba’s economic and social model and elect members of the Party’s Central Committee.
Many commentators believe rapprochement with the United States and the increased opening to market mechanisms forebode the end of Cuban socialism. Are they right? What lies behind the structural changes underway?
Come and discuss this and other issues…
Organised by Rock Around the Blockade
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Smash the illegal US blockade! US out of Guantanamo! Viva Cuba socialista!
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Revolutionary festivities to celebrate 20 years of Rock Around the Blockade
★ Free Entry
Facebook Event: 20 years of solidarity with Cuba
Friday 11 December - 7.30pm
Upstairs at the Oak and Pastor Pub
86 Junction Rd, London N19 5QZ
Nearest tube: Archway
Since 1995 Rock Around the Blockade has sent 13 solidarity brigades to Cuba to break the blockade and bring material aid to Cuban youth! These include sound systems and mobile discos which take music high up into the mountains. In April 2015 RATB took ballet shoes and boxing gloves to break the still continuing US blockade and to support Cuba’s outstanding commitment to free access to sport and culture. These brigades have brought back rich and lasting cultural and political experiences to this country.
Live Music, Poems, Raffles and much more!
For more information contact:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: http://www.ratb.org.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ratb.cuba