Published on 22/03/16 by teleSUR


Below we look at how the United States government has provided “assistance” in order to sow dissent within Cuban society.

President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet with U.S.-backed opposition organizations on Tuesday in Cuba as part of his visit to the island.          

Leading up to his meeting, teleSUR takes a look at the historic ties between Cuban dissidents and the U.S. government.

Despite the thawing of diplomatic relations, the U.S. government continues to provide financial “assistance” to individuals and groups dedicated to "regime change" in Cuba.

Published on 17 March 2016 by teleSUR.

cuban elections

In the context of developing Cuba-U.S. relations, on March 2, 2016 in Geneva, the Deputy secretary of State of the U.S. State Department, Antony J. Blinken, issued the National Statement at the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. In this statement he indicated that Obama during his visit to Cuba in March “will emphasize that the Cuban people are best served by an environment where people are free to choose their political parties and their leaders ...”

Let us concentrate for the moment on the theme of “choosing their leaders.”


Dr Helen Yaffe, author of Che Guevara: The Economics of Revolution, speaks to the BBC on the arrival of Obama in Cuba.

Published on March 14 2016 by Granma.

Syrian Ambassador

Dr. Loai Aloja, chargé d'affaires of the Syrian Arab Republic in Havana, described the fraternal relations between his government and Cuba as those of sister nations, exemplified by the island’s support for independence causes in the Arab nation.

Speaking with national media in Havana, the diplomat referred to Cuba’s continued support in defense of the anti-colonial struggles of underdeveloped countries. He noted that the leaders of the Revolution, the Communist Party of Cuba and institutions, have never held back on providing political support for movements fighting for national sovereignty.

With regard to Syria and the Ba'ath Party, he stated that Cuba has denounced military aggression promoted from abroad, and the interventionist pretensions of Western powers in the country, in international forums. “Cuba presents its opinions in an open manner and without shying away, based on a position of internationalist principle,” he said.

Published on March 15 2016 by Granma.

cuban technology expo On the morning of Monday, March 14, the 16th International Computer Sciences Convention & Fair 2016 opened its doors in Havana’s Pabexpo exposition center where - through March 18 - exhibitors will present products and projects across 73 stands; 34 affiliated with Cuban entities and 39 foreign companies.

Grisel Reyes León, executive secretary of the fair, which this year has the central theme of “Connecting Societies”, noted that the event is a demonstration of Cuba’s desire to occupy an important role within the field of communications, and is undoubtedly a space for interaction and professional exchanges, where Cuban and foreign entities can present their newest products.

Participating in the event – featuring 300 exhibitors – was Mal­com John­son, deputy secretary-general of the International Telecommunication Union; Maimir Me­sa Ramos, minister of Communications of Cuba; Rashid R. Ismailov and Dmitry M. Alkha­zov, deputy ministers of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation; as well as other foreign and national sector representatives.

Published on 8 March 2016 by Granma

young americans studying medicine in Cuba

Young people from the U.S. studying medicine in Havana welcomed news of the visit by President Obama to Cuba, and hope that the rapprochement between the two countries is mutually beneficial.

“I hope that during this visit March 21 and 22, there is an open and sincere dialogue, with agreements that are good for the two peoples,” Jontay Darko, a 5th year medical sciences student at the Salvador Allende Faculty in Havana, told Granma International. The faculty forms part of the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM), which has graduated more than 24,000 health professionals from 84 countries, in its over 15 years of existence.

Jontay is from the city of Chicago, and describes Cubans as kind, friendly, warm and communicative in their interpersonal relationships.

Published on 8 March 2016 by Granma

cuba and the EU

According to Christian Leffler, head of the Department for Relations with North and South America in the European External Action Service (EEAS), "once a Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement has been reached between Cuba and the European Union (EU), there would be no sense in maintaining the regional bloc’s Common Position adopted in 1996."

During a press conference following the seventh round of conversations between the two parties, the representative heading the European delegation reported that trade and commercial cooperation were addressed during this most recent session, while the issue of political dialogue and sector policies were also discussed in depth.

He noted that the talks took place in a positive and constructive atmosphere, reflecting the willingness of both Brussels and Havana to make significant progress towards reaching a final agreement. Leffler also highlighted that the agreement will help to promote dialogue and cooperation as well as strengthen relations between both parties over the coming years.

Published on 1 March 2016 by Granma

boxing granma

Just like thousands of other Cuban sports collaborators, who promote healthy physical recreation in communities across Venezuela, there is a select group of trainers and specialists confirming Cuba’s dream of high performance sports outside of the market system.

Conceived as part of the Homeland Plan, established by former President Hugo Chávez, the Marshall Antonio Jo­sé de Su­cre Bolivarian Educational Center for Talented Athletes was created in this Andean city, which, in just three years, has trained dozens of young champions.

The center, with 40 top Cuban coaches on staff, is distinguished by the fact that the goal here is not only to produce gold-medal athletes who perform at the level of their talent, but also well-rounded men and women with strong human values, despite being obliged to mature early given the rigors of training.

“Of course, athletic results are the priority, and we have exceeded expectations with tens of medals won, in the school’s short existence,” explains Juan Álvarez Hernández, Cuban advisor to the school’s director.

Published on 11 February 2016 by Granma

solar panels

A new solar farm under construction in the municipality of Palmira, Cienfuegos, is now 70% complete. The uninterrupted efforts from Monday through Saturday are conducted by the Works of Architecture Enterprise (ECOA-37).

Financed by the Renewable Energy Sources Investment Company (EDIFRE), the farm will have a total of 14,400 solar panels with a generating capacity of 3.6 megawatts (MW) during the hours of highest solar radiation.

The solar farm, at a cost of more than 10 million pesos, will have the largest generating capacity of those installed here thus far, in the municipalities of Cantarrana and Cruces. In total, these three solar farms will provide 8.2 MW to the National Electric System (SEN).

Plans are to reach 50 MW of solar power in this province by 2030, with the construction of two further solar farms in the municipalities of Aguada de Pasajeros and Rodas, as part of the firm commitment to renewable energy in this territory.

Meanwhile, the Cuban electric company in Pinar del Río will begin construction on a second photovoltaic power station, or solar farm, this year.